What autumn routine to adopt for your skin: our advice for the new season

What autumn routine to adopt for your skin: our advice for the new season

Published on October 3, 2023, by Astrid

Reading time: 4 minutes

Autumn is a season of transition, which brings with it a new palette of colors, but also different needs for the skin. Adapting your skincare routine becomes essential to maintain healthy and beautiful skin despite the challenges of the season.


A gentle beauty routine…

The face is often the first area to show signs of dryness in fall. Adapting your routine with gentle products will allow your skin to adapt to the new season while maintaining its radiance.

Cleaner : Cleansing is a crucial first step in a beauty routine. The drier air of fall already poses a risk of dehydration. We therefore opt for products that respect the balance of the skin. Use gentle cleansers to remove pollution residue and impurities while preserving your face's natural hydration.

Scrub : Fall is the ideal time to remove dead cells accumulated on the skin during the summer. Choose a gentle exfoliant once or twice a week to reveal a fresh, luminous, more even complexion.

A gentle beauty routine

…And deep hydration of the skin

Between falling temperatures, restarting the heating and decreasing humidity in certain regions, the skin can quickly suffer from dehydration. To avoid these inconveniences, and a tight face, we adopt the right actions for deep hydration.

Lotion : More than ever, we protect the skin by using a moisturizing lotion after cleansing, especially if your water is very hard, or the cleanser you are using does not accomplish this function.

Serum : The application of a hydrating serum helps the dermis to strengthen its protective barrier, especially if it contains hyaluronic acid. With Beau Domaine serum, you will also fight against the dull skin that can set in during this transitional season.

Moisturizing cream : After weeks of exposure to the sun, your skin needs comfort. Opt for a richer moisturizer, as Le Domaine cream. Look for cosmetic products that contain nourishing oils like argan oil, olive oil or shea butter. Make sure to apply your cream morning and evening for maximum hydration.

Sunscreen : Even when the temperature drops, UV rays are still present and can damage the skin. Opt for a sunscreen with SPF 30 as the final touch to your routine to protect your skin.

And deep hydration of the skin

Prepare your skin for winter

Fall is the perfect time to prepare your skin for the cold of winter. Antioxidants help protect it against environmental attacks that lead to premature aging. Incorporate antioxidant-rich ingredients into your fall routine. Think for example of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, retinol or polyphenols.

It's also a good time to integrate nourishing treatments rich in olive, almond or argan oil into your beauty routine. If you have specific concerns, don't hesitate to incorporate targeted treatments in the form of serums, masks or balms into your fall routine. For more details, we explain here what is a serum and how to use it.

Prepare your skin for winter

Target imperfections

Seasonal changes can sometimes lead to dull skin or blemishes. Incorporate products that contain vitamin C or other antioxidants to brighten skin and fade dark spots. If necessary, adopt targeted treatments, such as an anti-acne serum or lotion for blemishes, to keep your skin clear and radiant.

Don't forget to include a gentle exfoliation in your routine, to cleanse your skin which has thickened after these long weeks in the sun.

Target imperfections

Don't limit yourself to your face

Your skincare routine should encompass your entire body, lips and hands, which have also been exposed to the sun all summer.

Body : Opt for moisturizing balms or body oils to revive the beauty of your skin and thus prepare it for future drops in temperature. Gentle exfoliation once a week can also help remove dead cells and promote cell turnover.

Lips : Chapped lips are common in fall. Keep lip balm on hand and apply it regularly to avoid chapping and discomfort.

Hands : Like your lips, your hands are often one of the first parts of your body to show signs of dryness. Adopt a moisturizing cream, to apply before the first signs of dehydration.

Don't limit yourself to your face

Taking care of your skin: a holistic approach

Food : Your diet has an impact on the quality of the skin. Favor foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are your best friends for a glowing face.

Hydration : Drink enough water (between 1.5 and 2 liters per day) to keep your skin hydrated from the inside. In addition to being comforting, infusions and herbal teas can also play a soothing role.

A well-thought-out fall routine is essential to maintaining the beauty and health of your skin during this transitional season. Listen to the signals it sends you. A good routine is one that adapts to different skin conditions. Don't forget to incorporate gentle, rich and hydrating products, nourishing oils and specific treatments for the face and body. By following these tips, your skin will be ready to face winter with complete peace of mind.

Taking care of your skin: a holistic approach